
CostasName: Costas Deltouzos
Local: AEGEE-Patra
Studies: Computer Networks

I joined AEGEE-Patra long time ago but got so addicted that I still continue to contribute! All this time I have been active both in local and european level. This year I'm a member of Summer University Coordination Team. I joined AEGEE-Academy in April 2009 and have been to several trainings. Now it's time to have one in Patra :)




Elena Name: Elena Georgieva
Local: AEGEE-Sofia

I am Elena (in Greek it means "sun ray" ;)) My educational background is in Marketing and Business Innovation, I have studied both in Sofia and Copenhagen, however, my passion is yoga, psychology and NFE. Currently I volunteer for two projects on education - MyWay - a platform for academic and professional orientation and the second one is building an independent school for non formal education... Apart of this, I develop as a trainer because I believe it's one of the most effective ways of gaining and delivering knowledge, because I love giving and sharing and I would like to contribute for personal development of others.


MaartjeName: Maartje Natrop
Local: AEGEE-Utrecht

Dear fellow Aegeeans, travellers, party people, thirsty-for-knowledge particpants and smiling faces,
My name is Maartje Natrop, I'm Dutch and a member of Aegee Utrecht.
I study Communication Science (3 days a week) and work as a communication advisor for the Dutch government (2 days a week).
I devote my free time to sports (I am addidcted to jogging, indoor cycling & body pump) and my Aegee antenna of course! I am very infected with the Aegee virus and like to spend many hours organizing events for Aegee Utrecht, as president of the local event commitee, or assisting our board in fundraising.
ESSU Patras is my first Academy training event (although I already did some local training courses and have some experience as a corporate trainer) and I am very much looking forward to sharing some knowledge with you guys, learning from each other and spending some time on the lovely Greek beach ;).
See you real soon!
Hugs from - a not so warm - Holland!


Name: Matthijs Overhaal
Local: AEGEE-Nijmegen


Name: Mayri Tiido
Local: AEGEE-Tartu


MilicaName: Milica Lukovic
Local: AEGEE-Beograd
Studies: Design

 "I am an idealist. I don't know where I'm going but I'm on my way". She is finishing her studies in Belgrade, Serbia. Member of AEGEE since 2007, ex Network Commissioner and board member of A-Beorgad (HR responsible, then president), since last year member of AEGEE Academy. Already been a trainer at one ES1 and many other trainings and Network Meetings.