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Bloody battles were taking place on that south part of mainland Greece, while Greeks were trying to keep invaders out of their beautiful land, called Peloponnese. It is nothing like that anymore, but an ideal place full of friendly locals ready to host 35 visitors and do their best for them to spend 2 summer weeks in the land where legends and myths were born and is fully connected with a big part of the rich Greek history. The region combines archeological sites and breathtaking natural beauties such as rivers, green forests, sandy and smooth coasts on the west – rocky and dentelated on the east. 
From Patra, Kalamata, Githio and Nafplion, we will discover the whole area of this - technically considered- island with daily excursions. For two weeks, together with Democracy in Practice project, we will find out the connection between the importance of Human Rights as the basis of a healthy Democracy and active citizenship of young people. At the same time, we will wander around cultural monuments, walk and raft in rivers, play, be showered by the sunlight and splashed by the sea, party hard and create amazing memories. 
Joining us means fun from Sunrise till midnight, endless days and endless nights in Peloponnese. And that’s not a myth.
