Young people’s political participation has long been a concern. Loss of community ties, little interest in and knowledge of political processes, low levels of trust in politicians and growing cynicism of democratic institutions are often seen as indicators of the younger generations’ weakened sense of citizenship and political engagement.

The aim of this general assembly is to increase political engagement of AEGEE members. In the frame of the European parliament elections 2014, we will be empowering people to participate by reading, thinking, commenting, asking, discussing, deciding, signing, voting in order to take an active political participation not only in local and national, but also European environments.

Making young people actors in local, national and European elections we need to really empower them, and make them realize the power that their vote gives them, and the responsibility that they have taking future into the direction they want to see. Ignoring any election is definitely not a solution. Young people are no longer the future, they are the present of Europe and they must use their potential to transform the reality around them.

AEGEE members will actively participate in shaping their civil community, while at the same time making them more aware of themselves as individuals and as active European citizens.

During 4 days, 1000 participants, AEGEE activists coming from all over Europe, will explore together the concepts of youth participation and European citizenship, reflecting and experiencing and becoming more aware and more willing to participate in the society politically.